Nico's phrase that sounds like "ディビディエンドッ" is actually a shout when she performs a hold technique, and the accurate phrase is "Divide and conquer!" This phrase represents breaking the opponent's power and weakening them to seize victory. Nico has an intellectual and calm fighting style, and aims for victory by analyzing her opponent's techniques and utilizing her own skills. A hold technique is a move to intercept the opponent's attack and gain an advantage by disrupting their posture. By shout

Friday, June 17, 2016

生公開討論「テレビ報道と放送法~何が争点なのか」 フルバージョン(コメ付)


6/17(金)〜須田慎一郎・有本香・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】

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Thursday, June 16, 2016



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