Nico's phrase that sounds like "ディビディエンドッ" is actually a shout when she performs a hold technique, and the accurate phrase is "Divide and conquer!" This phrase represents breaking the opponent's power and weakening them to seize victory. Nico has an intellectual and calm fighting style, and aims for victory by analyzing her opponent's techniques and utilizing her own skills. A hold technique is a move to intercept the opponent's attack and gain an advantage by disrupting their posture. By shout
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
②「現代のルール」は歴史から学べ! SMAP問題、明治維新の真実を語る 士農工商と言う言葉は明治に作られた 苫米地英人
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
①「現代のルール」は歴史から学べ! SMAP問題、明治維新の真実を語る SMAPはただの奴隷だった、長州藩と言う言葉は明治以降、室町時代から現代...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【CM】A応P「Cotona MODE / 初恋Hello注意報」30秒Ver.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
5/19(木)日下公人「日本出動」第9回 日下公人先生にお話をうかがってみよう
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
日下公人「日本登場」第3回 〜中国と韓国の結末〜
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
5/17(火)〜百田尚樹・石平・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年5月16日(月)~ 22日(日)のウィークリー・オラクルカード・リーディング
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Friday, May 13, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
『ガールズ&パンツァー 劇場版』本編序盤 大洗市街戦 一部配信
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【三橋貴明】 三橋貴明 断言! 中国人は特別汚い!!! 2016年5月11日 【おはよう寺ちゃん活動中】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
5/12(木)〜青山繁晴×居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【青山繁晴】 舛添要一は逮捕されるしかない!!!
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
TVアニメ『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない』WEB予告#07
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
三橋貴明「人口減少がデフレの原因?アホじゃないか?!」 池上彰も人口減少がデフレの原因とか言ってましたね・・・
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【5月6日配信】上念司の経済ニュース最前線 5月6日号「トランプ大統領で米軍撤退?!ロンドン、ベルリン、ロシア 安倍総理のGW外遊も解説!」 桜...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
5/11(水)〜井上和彦×居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
「海賊とよばれた男」のモデル 日章丸事件の主人公 出光佐三 2/2
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
「海賊とよばれた男」のモデル 日章丸事件の主人公 出光佐三 1/2
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
藍井エイル 『アクセンティア』Music Video(Short Ver.)
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
5/10(火) DHCキレイを磨く!エクストリームBeauty
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【期間限定~5/11(水)まで】EGOIST 『KABANERI OF THE IRON FORTRESS』オリジナルムービー -Short V...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
5/10(火)〜百田尚樹・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
戦後70周年に向けて 第2部 マッカーサーと東京裁判 渡部昇一 3/8
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年5月9日(月)~ 15日(日)のウィークリー・オラクルカード・リーディング
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
「戦後70周年に向けて 正しい歴史に学ぶ すばらしい国 日本」ダイジェスト版
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
おそ松さんOPテーマ「はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ」 /石川綾子 Ayako Ishikawa "HANAMARU PIPPI WA YOIKOD...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
題名のない音楽会 『世界で愛されているアニメミュージックの音楽会』 2016/05/08
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Monday, May 9, 2016
【8月6日配信】特別番組 本当のことがわかる昭和史 渡部昇一 倉山満【チャンネルくらら】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Here are your Angel Messages for May 9 - 15, 2016 from Doreen Virtue
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
日本の作法ー水の飲み方ー 日本人なら朝鮮(韓国)飲みなんてしないように
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
中国を永久に黙らせる100問100答 渡部昇一
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
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