Nico's phrase that sounds like "ディビディエンドッ" is actually a shout when she performs a hold technique, and the accurate phrase is "Divide and conquer!" This phrase represents breaking the opponent's power and weakening them to seize victory. Nico has an intellectual and calm fighting style, and aims for victory by analyzing her opponent's techniques and utilizing her own skills. A hold technique is a move to intercept the opponent's attack and gain an advantage by disrupting their posture. By shout
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
6/15(水)〜ケントギルバート・上念司・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
6/14(火)〜百田尚樹・加藤清隆・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Monday, June 13, 2016
【上念司】おはよう寺ちゃん 活動中 2016年6月13日
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
『真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース』総集編 6/6〜6/10
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月11日スティーブンセガールは私の親友ですとDr苫米地英人が明かす!Tokyo MXバラいろダンディ木曜日,前園真聖,橋本マナミ,篠...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月11日合コンする男女はIQが下がり癌になるとDr苫米地英人氏が指摘!Tokyo MXバラいろダンディ木曜日,橋本マナミ,梅沢富美男...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【Front Japan 桜】杉田水脈・木坂麻衣子:川村純彦氏に聞く、尖閣接続水域・中国軍艦侵入の意図 / 拉致問題、面会写真提供はどこから? ...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月11日私の友人も高級売春婦の名簿に??笑Dr苫米地英人が明かす!Tokyo MX バラいろダンディ木曜日,橋本マナミ,前園真聖,篠...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Friday, June 10, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【日本の歴史】 知られて困る・・・これが真実!!
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Rhodanthe* New Year Concert 2016 BD 「FIRST*MODE」ちょい見せ映像!!
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月10日三菱東京UFJ銀行”国債離れ”のカラクリをDr苫米地英人が解説!Tokyo MXバラいろダンディ木曜日,前園真聖,橋本マナミ...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
6/10(金)〜有本香・杉田水脈・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月8日(水) ザ・ボイス そこまで言うか!宮崎哲弥
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
6/9(木)〜青山繁晴×居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【青山繁晴】 舛添要一とその弁護士の異常さとその背景 2016年6月8日 【インサイト・コラム】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
6/8(水)〜井上和彦・フィフィ・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Mystery woman magically disappears during an interview!
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【日本語字幕版】 ドリーン・バーチューのウィークリー・オラクルカード・リーディング
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
6/7(火)〜百田尚樹・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Monday, June 6, 2016
【上念司】おはよう寺ちゃん 活動中 2016年6月6日
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【KSM】川崎デモはヘイトスピーチデモではない「民進党有田芳生」批判の”合法”政治的デモ ヘイトスピーチ規制法対象外 言論弾圧デモを証明します
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月6日(月)ザ・ボイス そこまで言うか!長谷川幸洋
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Here are your Angel Messages for June 6 - 12, 2016 with Doreen Virtue
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【青山繁晴】 習近平 事実上の土下座外交! 中国が追い詰められている!!!
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Learning English pronunciation - Father, Further & Farther - Can you tel...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【魔装学園H×H】番宣CM15秒 2016年7月5日よりAT-Xほかで放送開始!
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Friday, June 3, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
青山繁晴 NHKがなぜ反日偏向報道を繰り返すのか
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
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