Nico's phrase that sounds like "ディビディエンドッ" is actually a shout when she performs a hold technique, and the accurate phrase is "Divide and conquer!" This phrase represents breaking the opponent's power and weakening them to seize victory. Nico has an intellectual and calm fighting style, and aims for victory by analyzing her opponent's techniques and utilizing her own skills. A hold technique is a move to intercept the opponent's attack and gain an advantage by disrupting their posture. By shout
Friday, July 8, 2016
7/8(金)〜有本香・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
倉山満先生講演会『国難を乗り越えた先人たち』平成25年8月25日 1/2
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
倉山満先生講演会『国難を乗り越えた先人たち』平成25年8月25日 1/2
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年7月7日,私が東京都知事に出馬すれば東京都資産を......(笑)Tokyo MXバラいろダンディ木曜日,橋本マナミ,梅沢富美男,前園...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【中国の日本侵略の恐怖】『新・霊界物語 二十二』~戦わずに滅びる日本~
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【中国の日本侵略の恐怖】『新・霊界物語 二十二』~戦わずに滅びる日本~
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
7/15(金)〜須田慎一郎・有本香・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【6月28日配信】特別番組「近衛上奏文を語る」国際政治学者藤井厳喜 倉山満【チャンネルくらら】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年7月6日(水) ザ・ボイス そこまで言うか!宮崎哲弥
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
7/6(水)〜井上和彦・ケントギルバート・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
7/5(火)〜百田尚樹・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
髙山正之『変見の作りかた』#49 韓国鑑も物ならず
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Monday, July 4, 2016
参院選開始!だけど何を議論する? 【CGS 神谷宗幣 第73回-1】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
高い防潮堤は無意味!〜本当に必要な物を見抜く〜 【CGS 和田政宗 第3回】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【上念司】おはよう寺ちゃん 活動中 2016年7月4日
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年7月4日(月)ザ・ボイス そこまで言うか!長谷川幸洋
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
TVアニメ『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない』WEB予告#14
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【7月1日配信】上念司の経済ニュース最前線「ついに中国機が空自に攻撃動作!?緊急分析!野党統一候補の政策は? 「人殺し予算」あの党の正体とは?」...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Friday, July 1, 2016
2016年6月30日メディアが報じないイギリスEU離脱の裏側を解説Dr苫米地英人が解説!Tokyo MX バラいろダンディ木曜日橋本マナミ,梅沢...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
【8月18日配信】すばやく学ぼう!世界の百年 第1回「キリストの正体」 【チャンネルくらら】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
桐谷美玲が田中美奈子とボディコン&ミニスカ姿対決 Y!mobile「スカート1/3」篇 30秒
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
6/29(水)〜ケントギルバート・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
共産党員 藤野保史の暴言を許すな!
よく覚えておきますね。#防衛費は人を殺す予算 @FujinoFujinooo
— ちぢれ麺 (@chidiremen11) 2016年6月26日
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
東シナ海で一触即発の危機、ついに中国が軍事行動 @JBpressさんから
— 青山ぶるーまうんてん (@WHITEROLITTA) 2016年6月28日
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
6/28(火)〜百田尚樹・髙山正之・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
髙山正之『変見の作りかた』#48 犯人隠避
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【上念司】 山尾志桜里がまたやらかした!? おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2016年6月27日
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Monday, June 27, 2016
参院選開始!だけど何を議論する? 【CGS 神谷宗幣 第73回-1】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
千葉麗子『さよならパヨク』民族の意志同盟 超国家主義 定例街頭宣伝 毎月第2,4日曜 JR御茶ノ水駅橋口於(フルHD)平成28年5月8日
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
武士の忠義とは何か 【CGS 日本の歴史 5-10】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【6月25日配信】ジョネ山満が訊く、「千葉麗子さんと歌舞伎町ベース事件を語る!NYでのリスペクト話も!」上念司 【チャンネルくらら】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【上念司】 共産党は基地外過ぎて無理ってw 上念司 野党の嘘を完全論破!!!
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
人気アニメ「おそ松さん」一松 孤独に一杯 オールフリーのキャンペーン告知動画第4弾
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
TVアニメ『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない』Blu-ray & DVD CM第3弾
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月25日レディースデイは女尊男卑ではないとDr苫米地英人が語る!Tokyo MXバラいろダンディ木曜日,橋本マナミ,梅沢富美男,前園...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
2016年6月25日私のヒト属のコーチです(笑)とDr苫米地英人が語る!Tokyo MX バラいろダンディ木曜日,橋本マナミ,前園真聖,長谷川豊...
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Friday, June 24, 2016
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
6/24(金)〜有本香・上念司・居島一平〜【真相深入り!虎ノ門ニュース】【Toranomon NEWS】
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
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