Nico's phrase that sounds like "ディビディエンドッ" is actually a shout when she performs a hold technique, and the accurate phrase is "Divide and conquer!" This phrase represents breaking the opponent's power and weakening them to seize victory. Nico has an intellectual and calm fighting style, and aims for victory by analyzing her opponent's techniques and utilizing her own skills. A hold technique is a move to intercept the opponent's attack and gain an advantage by disrupting their posture. By shout
Saturday, January 31, 2015
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【アニメ】SHIROBAKO 劇中ポスターの元ネタは?
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
嘘字幕シリーズとして人気のある「総統閣下シリーズ」と双璧をなす(と思う)「エミネムさんが教えてくれるシリーズ」とは、Hiphopの大御所Eminemの「Lose Yourself」PVに嘘字幕で様々な教養を歌わせた動画群です。
Final Fantasy XIV 新生エオルゼア,
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Final Fantasy XIV 新生エオルゼア,
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【アニメ】SHIROBAKO 第16話 「ちゃぶだい返し」 リテイク前と後の比較
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Final Fantasy XIV 新生エオルゼア,
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【FF】FF ⅩⅣ 初心者に優しい解説動画集
全くのMMORPG未経験者には何から初めてよいのかわからないかもしれない『ファイナルファンタジー ⅩⅣ 新生エオルゼア』。
【FF】【初心者】FFXIV パーティプレイの基本
Final Fantasy XIV 新生エオルゼア,
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【FF】【初心者】FFXIV パーティプレイの基本
Final Fantasy XIV 新生エオルゼア,
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
このアニメが面白い 『クロスアンジュ 天使と竜の輪舞』
『クロスアンジュ 天使と竜の輪舞』はサンライズ制作のロボットアニメ。主人公は女性で、しかも登場人物の90%は女性という異色作品。百合シーンも描かれるなどエロ作品としての魅力も十分備えている。
クロスアンジュ 天使と竜の輪舞
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
『PSO2』 vs 『FF ⅩⅣ』 紳士動画対決
『ファンタシースターオンライン2』、『ファイナルファンタジー ⅩⅣ 新生エオルゼア』はともに人気のあるタイトルですので、多数の動画がニコニコ動画にアップされています。
たまたま動画を見ていたら、「PSO2」には珍しくないのですが意外なことに「FF ⅩⅣ」にも変態紳士向けの動画がアップされていましたので、面白いと思い共通のテーマを扱っているPSO2の動画を一緒にご紹介してみようと思います。
Final Fantasy XIV 新生エオルゼア,
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
【FF】フリートライアル期間が終了したのでFF ⅩⅣの評価をしてみる
14日間のフリートライアル期間が終了したため現在FF ⅩⅣにログインできなくなりました。今後製品版を購入してまでプレイするかどうするのか検討中ですが、これまでプレイした経験から、ひとまずの評価を行っておこうと思います。
Final Fantasy XIV 新生エオルゼア,
I am currently working on learning English. Although I was weak in English when I was a student, I am now studying while feeling anxious about whether I can really become able to speak English and thinking about why I want to be able to speak English. I admired Tom Cruise and wanted to be able to speak English like him, so I titled my blog "Mission: English". Although I may not be able to become like Tom Cruise, I think it is an attractive goal for learning English to want to be able to speak like him.
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